What is EPICORD?

EPICORDĀ®Ā is a dehydrated human umbilical cord allograft that provides a protective environment to support the healing process. It is comprised of an extracellular matrix of hyaluronic acid (HA) and collagen.

EPICORD Product Benefits

As a primary component in the umbilical cord, natural HA hydrates and reinforces collagen, forming a reinforced matrix to support the wound healing cascade.

Protective Environment

EPICORD protects the wound bed to aid in the development of granulation tissue. It provides a human biocompatible extracellular matrix and contains over 250 regulatory proteins.1,2

Regulatory Proteins

EPICORD provides a human biocompatible extracellular matrix of hyaluronic acid and collagen and contains 250+ regulatory proteins.1,2

Product Advantages

  • Human-derived
  • Thick graft allows for suturing to keep the graft in place and for placement in deeper wound sites*
  • Level I published data evidence
  • EPICORD Expandable expands to twice its size (up to 12 cm2) and conforms to uneven surfaces and deeper wounds
  • Simple storage and application
  • Compatible with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

Clinical Use Examples

EPICORD has been adopted by multiple clinical specialties in a variety of applications:

  • Acute Wounds
  • Chronic Wounds
  • Debridement
  • Dehisced Wounds
  • Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUs)
  • Venous Leg Ulcers (VLUs)
  • Pressure Ulcers (PUs)
  • Mohs repair

    Due to the thickness of EPICORD, it may be beneficial for the following areas:

    • Smaller, deeper wounds or surgical sites
    • When graft fixation or suturing is desired*
    • Uneven surfaces (EPICORD Expandable)

      *Not intended for use as a load bearing tissue.

      EPICORD Processing & Details

      EPICORD is processed using PURION, a unique patented method for placental-based allografts that is in accordance with the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) standards. The product is derived from placental tissue donated by healthy, consenting mothers who have given live Caesarean section birth in the US.

      MIMEDXā€™s patented PURION process preserves extracellular matrix components, including regulatory factors and other matrix-associated proteins. For an additional level of safety, the product is terminally sterilized.

      1. Bullard JD, Lei J, Lim JJ, Massee M, Fallon AM, Koob TJ. Evaluation of dehydrated human umbilical cord biological properties for wound care and soft tissue healing. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2019;107(4):1035-1046.
      2. MIMEDX Internal Report. MM-RD-00086, Proteome Characterization of PURION Processed Dehydrated Human Amnion Chorion Membrane (dHACM) and PURION PLUS Processed Dehydrated Human Umbilical Cord (dHUC) Allografts.


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      Product Brochure

      EPICORD (Q4187)

      Dehydrated Human Umbilical Cord
      EC-5120 1 cm x 2 cm sheet 2 850029043553
      EC-5230 2 cm x 3 cm sheet 6 855310003797
      EC-5350 3 cm x 5 cm sheet 15 855310003803
      EX-5230 2 cm x 3 cm expandable 6 (12 SQ CM Predicted Expansion Dimensions) 855310003049

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